Content Marketing: Who to direct it to? To people or search engines?

Many think that writing is the easy part when it comes to creating a blog or any other website, but they couldn’t be more wrong, especially when you have to take Content Marketing into account. This is where I ask you, do you have it in mind? Do you know who should be addressed?

Writing for people or search engines, that is the question. Discover in this article how to solve one of the biggest and recurring dilemmas of Content Marketing to learn how to delight users and search engines alike.

When Digital Marketing experts repeat over and over again that “CONTENT IS KING”, they don’t lie or exaggerate. It is through content in text, image or video that users solve their doubts, educate and entertain.

Without content, the Internet as we know it simply would not exist. Therefore, the work of content creators and producers, such as SEO copywriters, is increasingly required and better paid for projects and companies in all sectors.

However, creating content becomes a thorny task for new SEO copywriters who must face one of the great questions of Content Marketing … Whom should it be written for people or for search engines?

If you had this doubt when creating your content, you have reached the right place. In this article, you will discover the solution to this concern with the intention that you learn to write better materials for companies that hire your copywriting services.

We start!

Whom do you write for? People or Search Engines

Before getting into the matter, let’s briefly review the main aspects of Content Marketing.

In simple terms, Content Marketing seeks to attract, convert and enchant Internet users through the generation of valuable content with the intention of closing a sale, creating lasting relationships of trust between users and brands.

Well, the matter is a bit complicated because, as you can see, Content Marketing must respond to the business objectives of a company while addressing an audience – person buyer – that searches for relevant content in the oceans of content that we call search engines.

So, here comes the great mystery of all content products: should it be written for people or search engines? The great answer is… You must write for people and optimize for search engines!

What does that mean? When creating quality material, a web content products should keep in mind that …

  • An article must first enchant users and then conquer Google, in that order.
  • The main purpose of an article will always be to solve the specific concern of a buyer person rather than to position without purpose.
  • The article should be optimized to position in the search engines to increase the probability of being found organically by new users.

Why SEO copywriters should be clear who is going to read the contents?

If the idea of Content Marketing is to create articles that help buyer people, for an SEO editor it is impossible to write them without knowing who they are and what their pain points are.

Knowing the buyer people is crucial to execute a successful content strategy, since they are the ones who will help you determine …

  • The tone and voice of communication
  • The topics that will be addressed in each article
  • The channels through which they will be distributed

Put yourself in your user’s shoes. If you do a Google search, what kind of result do you expect to find? Keeping that thought in your mind at the time of writing will make you create materials that will be useful for your users, with objectivity and quality.

Remember that the ultimate goal of a Content Marketing strategy is to create relationships of trust between users and the company through content that addresses their concerns.

If it is you or the company you work for who create this content, users will rely on it to make a purchase before anyone else. Do you understand now why the work of the content editor is so important and well paid?

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Why is this skill a competitive advantage for content marketing?

Believe it or not! Many copywriters simply implement all kinds of SEO techniques to improve their search engine rankings without considering that the content is to connect with people.

Obsolete practices such as Keyword Stuffing, where the keyword is repeated over and over throughout the text, often meaningless, are preferred by some of these editors.

However, when you understand the importance of resolving a user’s doubts and writing content intended for a specific buyer, it is when you create valuable content that will engage your users and retain them with your company.

To stand out from the ocean of information available on the web is only possible with quality content and to produce content of this type it is necessary the work of editors who are clear that the content is to be consumed by people, not by robots.

How to enchant users and search engines with your content?

1. Know your buyer person

Being the semi-fictional representations of your ideal client, as an editor you should concentrate all your efforts on enchanting them with your content.

By knowing their concerns and challenges, you can create useful content that will help them solve them, eventually improving the relationships between them and your business. Remember the main objective is not to please Google but to deliver value to your users.

2. Consider your person’s search intent

There are three types of search …

  • Navigational search: The user wants to reach a specific website.
  • Informational search: The user wants to find information to clarify a doubt.
  • Transactional search: The user wants to buy a product or pay for a service online.

Taking into account the search intention will help you to better direct your content, because you will be able to understand in what type of search your materials may appear and what type of information they should contain to meet the expectations of your users.

3. Choose the keywords well

Keywords are what unites user content. These are the ones that trigger the appearance of your articles in the SERP.

Using them correctly will make all the difference. Avoid Keyword Stuffing, use its natural variations and only add it if it is consistent with the structure of the text.

4. Write quality content

Needless to say, right? Once you know your buyer people, you understand their problems and what their search intentions might be, you should create the best possible content to solve your concern.

Remember that you must meet the expectations of the users, not yours.

Look for quality references, learn about the subject and write a complete and original content. Rather than worrying about the number of words required to position, worry about solving your user’s doubt.

5. Transmit ideas clearly and concisely

Web content is characterized by offering direct responses to the point.

It is essential to have an excellent command of the language and its grammatical norms, as well as to have knowledge of the subject on which it is written to correctly convey the message to the reader.

In addition, you can use persuasive writing techniques to convince your users and keep their curiosity to the fullest while they read your article.

6. Create SEO titles that grab your attention and enchant Google

The function of an SEO title is to attract users to your material and briefly describe its content to search engines.

Among the best practices are to include the keyword, create a sense of urgency and keep it short, between 50 and 55 characters.

7. Learn a lot about SEO

Search engine optimization is crucial in the production of web content. You must dedicate a lot of study to know and apply all the positioning factors On Page and Off Page.

However, if you are just starting in web writing, the main thing is not to neglect factors such as SEO title, intertitles or heading tags, friendly URL, alt attributes of images, meta description and backlinks.

8. Format your texts

Give your articles a simple structure to understand for both people and search engines.

  • Create an introduction that catches the reader.
  • Use the heading tags – which go from title H1 to title H6 – to organize the ideas of the text in hierarchical order.
  • Keep the paragraphs short but relevant, that is, do not leave an idea in the middle.
  • Keep blank spaces, that is, look for an “F” shape in the structure of your articles.
  • Use bold only when necessary.


The demand for SEO copywriters is on the rise thanks to the success of content strategies.

To become an attractive SEO editor for the market you must be dedicated, practice and study tirelessly about Digital Marketing and Content Marketing.

The good news is that, little by little, reading and applying articles like this, you will learn to create valuable materials for your customers that, in the end, will be reflected in good payments for you.

Freelance copywriting can become a source of substantial income if you know how to deliver quality content written for people and optimized for search engines.

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