This article will provide a description of advertisement in the press, information about advertising in print media, their purpose, functions and features, as well as detailed descriptions and sample images.
Press is the print media with high selectivity, effect on various types of mass audience. Originally meant for the press community periodicals intended for the general reader. With this understanding, due and origin of the term “press” from the name of the first mass of the newspaper “La Presse“, published in Paris in 1836 (the French word Presse means printing process , that is, ink transfer under pressure from the printing plate to the paper and the ability to mass replication of print). With the development and differentiation of the periodicals formed group of mass periodicals for their intended purpose, content, nature of the audience and other parameters. Currently, the term “press” is commonly understood as the whole set of mass periodicals intended for the general reader.
Key features of the periodical: the regularity of the release; potential trend to continue based editions of the publication without a deadline of termination; common name of all issues; the presence of an ascending numbering of the publication’s, volumes, numbers; the presence of the editor or the editorial board headed by the chief or managing editor.
Advertising in print media includes various advertising materials, placed in the press. They can be divided into two main groups: advertisements (which include various types of modular, horizontal, the classified, invest advertising) and advertising publications (which include a variety of articles, reports, surveys, carrying direct or indirect advertising).
The effectiveness of advertising in the press is a result of many factors, among which are: circulation, the volume of sales, the qualitative characteristics of the audience, distribution region, frequency and others. Demand for all periodicals on media advertising market is determined by the following basic parameters …
- Specialization and / or thematic publications focus.
- The nature and characteristics of readers edition.
- Circulation – The total number of printed copies of the publication.
- The territory of distribution of publications.
- Frequency of publication release.
- The sales volume of the publication (retail sales data and subscriptions, as well as the number of copies distributed free of charge).
- Rating editions (total number of subscribers as well as to view and read the publication for a certain period).
- The cost of advertising exposure.
- Specific technical factors that influence the effectiveness of advertising: the typesetting technology and printing quality of the publication, as well as design, context, location and features of placing advertisements.
Based on the analysis of these factors is chosen edition (or several editions), which leads to the maximum number of indicators or the most important one.
To advertise in the press to be effective, advertisers need to fulfill three conditions …
1) To choose the right media for advertising, the correct choice of media is commonly understood as the choice of publications with the best characteristics for the target audience advertising.
2) Create high quality and adequate selected media advertising model. Under quality, advertising layout meant the layout of the advertisement, which corresponds exactly to the subject, the expectations of the target audience and the format of publication.
3) Maximize the use of media opportunities. Ways to increase the effectiveness of advertising in the press means the maximum use of its features, which include: the optimum placement of context; the optimal choice of the date and day of the week offering; optimum choice of places on the strip or band; the use of additional media opportunities (topical applications, VIP-subscription, mailing, stickers, attachments, and so on).
The Structure Of The Press Media Industry
The number of forms of print media organizations and their respective kinds of media is very large. Below are the main forms of media, which today form the basis of the structure of the periodical press industry and can be used as advertising media …
- Newspapers
- Magazines
- Consumer publications.
- Reference books.
1) Newspapers
Newspapers are printed periodicals issued by brief intervals on inexpensive paper and containing news, analysis, entertainment, leisure, consumer, reference, advertising and other relevant information, as a rule, addressing population defined territory (district, city, region, country), or persons united by a common interest or activity.
Depending on the type and purpose of the newspaper have different release dates (from 1 to 7 times per week), a variety of formats and print runs. The most common: the periodicity of 1 times a day, 3 times per week 1 time per week; continuous numbering; the use of large paper sizes (newspaper format); black and white printing; printing on sheets of loose-leaf. The paper can be produced in a short time, a limited specific activity (conferences, festivals, etc.). Along with the main issue, the newspaper can be published in an extended version at the expense of applications. The paper can be produced both paid and free of charge.
The Main Types Of Newspapers
Daily newspapers (morning or evening).
Weekly newspapers. Sunday papers. |
The flagship publication.
Sunday supplement to the main edition. Topical application to the main edition. Special edition of the newspaper. |
Business newspapers.
Social and political newspaper. Industry newspaper. Advertising and information newspaper. Entertainment newspaper. Mixed paper. |
National newspapers.
Regional newspapers (national, provincial, territorial). Local newspapers (city, district). |
Some features of the newspapers …
- Large, compared with other printed media, circulation; high efficiency; high tend to spread the coverage area.
- Officially, as a rule, many of the decisions of public authorities at all levels take effect only after their official publication in the newspaper.
- The relatively low level of selectivity in conjunction with a wide coverage of audience. As a rule, each newspaper has its own audience, size of circulation, socio-demographic, occupational and other characteristics. For example, national newspapers have a readership, which includes the heads of government agencies, large enterprises and organizations; in turn, the regional newspapers have a strong position in the local market information, as well as write about the problems of the region and maintain close relationships with readers.
- Short duration of “life” of advertising compared to advertising magazine.
- Low cost advertising. The relatively low unit cost of the ad contact due to the large scope of audience.
- Low or medium quality printing.
2) Magazines
Magazines are printed periodicals issued at intervals of not less than 1 week are made, as a rule, the more expensive, compared to newspapers, paper grades, and containing information addressing people, united by a common interest, activity, economic, political, social preferences, and other features.
Depending on the type and purpose of magazines, have different release dates, different formats and editions. The most common: the frequency of 1 time per week (weekly), 1 time per month (monthlies), 2 times a month (bi-monthly magazines), 3 times a year (quarterly magazines); Annual numbering; full color printing; printing on sheets stitched. All magazines are constant thematic headings of officially approved as such for the edition. Along with the main issue, the magazine can be published in an extended version at the expense of applications.
The Main Types Of Magazines
Weekly magazines.
Monthly magazines. Issued every two months. Produced on a quarterly basis. |
In the thematic areas:
By the nature of the audience:
For its intended purpose:
International magazines.
National magazines. Regional magazines. |
Some features of the magazine …
- Small, compared with the newspapers, the circulation; relatively low efficiency; smaller coverage areas spread.
- The presence of prestigious publications factor. Magazines are the most efficient vehicles for placing branding.
- The high level of selectivity of the audience. Because of the high level of selectivity, magazines (especially professional) represent one of the most effective means of transmitting the advertising appeal or other target groups.
- The long duration of “life” of advertising in comparison with newspaper advertising.
- The high cost of advertising. Relatively high unit cost of one advertising contact.
- High quality printing.
Advertising Opportunities Of Newspapers And Magazines
Newspapers and magazines have traditionally occupied the bulk of the advertising segment in the press. This situation is due to a significant variety of newspaper and magazine types, highest overall audience reach and significant opportunities for its target segmentation.
Modern publishing houses that produce newspaper and magazine publications, tend to have two main sources of income from the sale of publications (subscriptions and retail), and from advertising. At the same time, it was advertising revenues play a key role, averaging between 50% and 80% of all funds earned by publishers. This economic model allows advertisers to effectively use the advertising opportunities of newspapers and magazines.
In connection with the increased needs of advertisers, the high competition in the market, as well as orientation towards publishing houses on the effective use of own capacity (information, creative, technical, and a popularization of opportunities), modern advertising services provide advertisers range of advertising services. Each service includes a variety of options for advertising impact on the audience publications that meet marketing objectives, strategies, tactics and budget advertiser.
In today’s newspapers and magazines, advertisers can take advantage of various types of advertising: a modular, horizontal, the classified, invest, sponsor, and others, as well as produce original models and various promotional materials, conduct market research, to carry mail, conduct special promotions, and so on.
3) Consumer Editions
Consumer publications are printed periodicals, which are newspapers or magazines intended for consumer goods and services. The three most common types of consumer publications …
- Advertising publications for consumers.
- Corporate media for consumers.
- Industry publications for consumers.
3.1. Advertising publications for consumers:
Advertising publications for consumers are printed periodicals, which are newspaper or magazine of free and / or paid advertisements designed for the mass market and covering different areas of the consumer interests of the population. To this type belong publications that publish only advertisements. There are two main types of organizations such publications …
- Advertisements are accepted by advertisers free of charge
- The publication is distributed free of charge.
3.2. Corporate publications for consumers:
Corporate publications for consumers are printed periodicals issued specific enterprises, institutions, organizations and associations thereof for the purpose of information influence on the final consumers of their products and services.
3.3. Industry publications for consumers:
Industry publications for professional users are printed periodicals intended only for consumers, professionally associated with a particular industry or activity (administrative, industrial, commercial and other).
4) Reference Books
Reference books (Directories) are printed periodicals issued, as a rule, with an annual periodicity (sometimes every few years) for consumer reference information about the enterprises, institutions, organizations, products and services. The most popular representatives of this type of publications are local telephone directories such as the “Yellow Pages”, as well as guides for the goods and services. Also widespread and various specialized and industry directories that publish advertising information corresponding to the profile of these publications.
The Audience Of Printed Media
Audience most print media are of the type with a high target audience segmentation. As a rule, each edition is more or less exactly positional media interested in attracting a specific target audience. Most publications have a clear understanding of your audience and works specifically for them, trying to reach a wider audience both at the expense of competitors in the same segment of the publishing industry, and by increasing the ratio of audiences duplication.
At the same time, the exact qualitative and quantitative determination of the specific audience publication can be a particular problem for the advertiser. The fact that the claimed circulation of publications usually do not correspond to the real and the more realizable. Although the circulation of periodicals is an important indicator of its popularity and the corresponding impact on advertising pricing, reliability of published figures and the amount of circulation in many national markets is almost impossible to control.
Therefore, to more accurately determine the popularity of each particular edition attracted independent rating service, determined by various surveys rating ratio and the target audience most represented on the print media market. As a rule, the rating reports are to advertising agencies and advertisers the main criteria when discussing the possibility of including a specific publication in the media list.
Features Of The Print Media As A Channel Of Distribution Of Advertising
Print media are one of the most important global markets advertising media. This is due, primarily, with a considerable variety of print media types, extremely high capabilities of their target audience segmentation and enormous: it is estimated that in developed countries, the total number of readers of publications is comparable with the number of viewers. Knowing and the optimal use of the opportunities offered by advertisers diverse market of print media allows advertising campaign very different focus, cost and scale, while achieving effective results.
Planning and implementation of advertising campaigns in print media demands from the advertiser knowledge of individual media features, serving as an advertising medium. Among the most important are the following …
1) High audience loyalty to the publication: Most readers of newspapers and magazines (assuming the immutability of their direction and editorial policy) is inherent in the highest loyalty rate for the publication of all other media. Studies show that readers are more and much longer remain committed to publications of their choice than the TV channels, radio stations or programs: the vast majority of the audience publications considers the habit of certain newspapers and magazines positive fact of their daily lives, and more than half read one and the publication of more than five years.
Thus, by publishing advertisements in some print media, the advertiser enters into communication not only with a specific target audience, but with more informal community of followers of the media, who read it for a number of years and, therefore, share the views of the editors and authors of articles, accustomed to a certain form of the material, design, style, and other features. All this must be taken into account for advertisers when choosing an advertising message strategy.
2) The credibility of the publication: Audience loyalty to a particular publication is largely based on trust, which readers are tested as to the information published in this publication, as well as to the peculiarities of its interpretation.
Advertisers should be aware that some of this confidence (although probably very small), under certain circumstances, it may be “moved” by readers and advertising posted in the publication. To do this, you must abide by certain general tone of statements, a common method of constructing a “true” message, which is characteristic for this media.
3) Features of the press read: Despite the fact that a lot of people for a long time to read the same newspapers and magazines, reading way communication model between the reader and the magazine gradually modified (such as changes over time and publishing, and the people themselves).
According to recent studies, the current process of reading the periodic media to a large extent based on the “previewing” the vast majority of readers indicate that rarely read the entire magazine or newspaper from beginning to end, with the reading of the articles, as a rule, preceded by a general view, viewing pictures, read announcements, offsets and crashing, and only then comes the most interesting reading materials.
An advertisement in the press is perceived by the reader in the following order: first – a general view; secondly – headline reading; Third – reading text. Therefore, in order to contact the reader advertising reached the third point; the ad should fully get his attention. All this must be taken into account for advertisers in the planning of advertising in print media, using a thorough approach to the placement, and appearance of advertisements: it is likely that attract the attention of the reader an image or eye-catching title would be more important than the message it small print helpful information mass of product or service.
4) Loyalty to the advertisement in the press: The research conducted in recent years, the relations of different audiences to the fact of the presence of advertising in different media show that magazines and newspapers readers are advertising with more enthusiasm than advertising in other media. So, more than half of readers believe advertising in print media a useful source of information, and a fifth of readers believe that a large way advertising adorns every magazine and makes it more colorful and attractive. This attitude gives advertisers the print media a definite advantage.
Creation Of Advertising In Print Media
The process of creating advertising for accommodation in print media consists of the following steps …
1) Definition of strategy: Based on the overall strategy of an advertising campaign is determined by a group of objectives, the achievement of which should contribute to advertising in a particular publication. Thus the basic value has as a format (resolution) advertisement (band reversal module) and its location in the publication (fourth cover, one of the inner cover, the first turn, the central turn, the first band, and so on), because “the prestige of the place” the most characteristic feature of print media, which must be justified by a corresponding” promise “of the advertising message.
2) Development of the fundamental layout: The principal designer develops the layout, based on the characteristics of the approved strategy and advertising concepts. In principle, the layout provides space for all elements of the future of advertising (logos, text, headings, main image, and so on), as well as defined primary artistic device (the main idea), on which advertising is based.
3) Creating text and headings: In accordance with the strategy of the advertising message and based on the approved layout copywriter develops fundamental text for advertisements and options header.
4) The choice of illustrations: The fundamental layout can include the use in advertising of various images. If advertising is designed to accommodate full-color illustrated magazine, the quality of the illustrations must meet the highest requirements. The source of high-quality illustrations are, as a rule, special image library and micro stock. If necessary, the exclusive advertising photography can be ordered for a photograph.
5) Creating a desktop layout: When all components of the layout ready and approved, the designer creates a working model of advertising, which is a composition of real elements that must be included in this advertising: images, graphics, text and title.
6) Creating the final layout: Working model submitted for approval by the advertiser. After making the necessary changes (if required) and perform some technical procedures ready ads (final layout) is transferred to the established publication for accommodation.
In the end, here we have describe all the possible information about press advertising. We are going to describe about other advertising media as well. Keep support us by your valuable comments.
Advertising Media:
“Television Advertising: All You Need To Know About TV Advertising“
“Radio Advertising: All You Need To Know About Radio Advertising“
“Press Advertising: All You Need To Know About Print Media”
“Internet Advertising: All You Need To Know About Online Advertising”
“Outdoor Advertising: All You Need To Know About Outdoor Advertising”
“Transit Advertising: All You Need To Know About Transit Advertising”
“Print Advertising: All You Need To Know About Print Advertising“