Six Industrial Conveyor Safety Tips

Even today, conveyors are still useful and widely used in various settings. They are an efficient (and usually safer) way of moving materials and supplies around.

Despite their obvious advantages, conveyors are a common cause of injuries in the workplace  The following six safety tips should help to keep all employees safe.

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  1. Only allow authorised personnel to operate or maintain the conveyor

    Only those workers who have been trained on how to operate and perform maintenance should be allowed to do so. Using conveyors can be dangerous for people who are unaware of how to do so safely. When maintenance is needed or if the conveyor stops or goes wrong, only trained maintenance people should attempt repairs.

    2. Don’t sit, stand or walk on conveyors

    Industrial conveyors are not designed to be occupied by humans. A limb that gets stuck in a conveyor can be badly damaged or even torn off.

    3. Be aware of all pinch points

    Conveyor systems contain numerous gears, belts, chains, belts, and other moving parts. It is important to be aware of these and ensure that they are guarded if necessary.

    For information on pneumatic conveying systems, including vacuum conveyor options, contact a materials handling specialist such as that can offer help and advice.

    4. Keep hair, clothing, jewellery etc. away from the conveyor

    Conveyors have a number of pinch points which can potentially catch long hair, loose clothes, or dangly jewellery. This can potentially result in severe injuries. Therefore, make sure long hair is tied back, don’t wear bracelets or chains, and avoid wearing baggy clothes. It is also wise to remove ties.

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  1. Check that all conveyor guards are in place

    Conveyor guards are there to prevent accidents. Conveyors contain numerous moving parts such as gears, chains and belts, so these guards play a crucial role. Do not start or operate a conveyor without guards in place.

    6. Follow appropriate lock-out/tag-out procedures

    Conveyor systems should be secured and switched off when maintenance or repairs are being carried out. Following proper lock-out/tag-out procedures ensures this is the case.

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