We all need to make changes to the way that we live our lives. As the world creeps closer to climate catastrophe, it is important that everyone does what they can to avert the problems that are facing the planet. From reducing what we send to ;landfill and using services like this polystyrene recycling www.printwaste.co.uk/business-recycling-solutions/polystyrene-recycling/ to using our cars less there are plenty of ways that we can change our habits and behaviours to reduce our negative impact on the world.
Something that many of us can do which will help with this is to grow our own food. The food that we get in supermarkets has often travelled many miles to be with us, from far flung countries, but if we grow food ourselves than we are not needing food that has been brought in on planes and lorries from afar. It is also a relaxing activity as well as being rewarding growing your own food and can help you to have a healthier lifestyle.
The first thing that you will need is a place to grow your fruits and vegetables. This doesn’t have to be a large space – many people add some raised beds to the garden, or get some containers to grow their vegetables in, but if you do not have a garden or your garden is not suitable for growing vegetables in, look into local allotments.
It is best to plan well in advance and to start small – if you are new to growing your own food it is easy to get carried away at the beginning, but it is always best to start off with just a few things before you start to add to it. This way you can learn tips and tricks and what works for you before you commit to a lot of varieties that can be a lot of work when you are not sure what you are doing.
Make sure that you pay attention to the soil – there are many types of soil and different crops need different things. It is also a good idea to add more nutrients to the soil if you want to increase the chances of a healthy crop. The soil will need to be prepared depending on the type of soil that you have and what you want to plant in it, so make sure that you research what the plant needs before putting it in the ground.
Be aware that the plants are vulnerable to things – the cold winter months can kill or damage some plants so be aware of this and look into covers for them to keep the cold at bay during the winter. Snails, slugs and birds can also cause problems so you may want to look into ways to deter them from feasting on your hard work! You can buy pellets to deter snails and slugs, or you could put a fine mesh covering over them to stop the birds from getting in.