In this article I will talk with you about the definition of target audience. Here you will learn what the target audience of advertising is and what its features are.
What is the target audience of advertising?
So, what is the target audience? Target audience – these are people who are interested in a particular product or service. For the most part, some products or services are designed based on the needs or problems that exist for some specific people or companies.
That is, the right service or product must have demand, since there is a specific problem and need.
Accordingly, a product or service must solve this problem and satisfy the needs of a person or company. It is this kind of product and service that will be successfully promoted in the market.
For each service there is a segmented target audience. This is a certain community of people who are interested in buying or ordering this product.
In principle, the concept of the target audience of advertising is quite simple. It is a community of people who are interested in our specific products or services.
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Features of the target audience of advertising
Now let’s examine the main features of the target audience. Please note that the target audience of advertising in its structure is not uniform. There are different categories of people in the CA. For maximum convenience, let’s divide it into three large classes:
- Potential buyers – Those people who are looking for certain information. For example, a brand of Citroen car is interesting to curious people. They just look for some kind of information on some specific request.
- Seekers – These are people who already have some information and currently choose a product or service. For example, if a person searches for Citroën C4 Review, he or she already selects a specific product. It is clear that here the user is interested in reviewing and describing some characteristics, reviews of the Citroën C4 car.
- Buyers – These are people who have already chosen the right product and are only looking for a specific seller so that you can buy this product. Such a participant can be characterized, for example, by the request “Citroen S4 Ontario to buy.” There is a clear concept of what to buy. That is, the product has already been selected. There are already additional components of the query. This is a geographical (Ontario) and a transaction element (buy). A transaction is a user’s desire to do something. In our case, this is “buy”. But depending on the market, there may be words: order, dealer and others.
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Types of target audience of advertising
Let’s take a closer look at each type of target audience …
Potential buyers
As you can see, there are three different types of target audience. It is based on these types and you need to customize your advertising campaign. Three types of target audience are three large CAs, which consist of several segments.
Potential buyers are those people who could potentially buy our goods. That is, in our example they are looking for information about cars and most likely, this information is important to them and very interesting. Therefore, potentially these people could buy our goods.
The second kind is those people who could buy our goods. That is, in our case, if a person is looking for information about Citroën C4, then it is quite possible to buy our goods. A visitor chooses a car, he needs it and he has a need for it.
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And the last kind is the buyers. These are the people who are buying now. They specifically want to buy something and are looking for a specific seller of this product.
Look at the picture above, each of these species become less and less. A lot of potential buyers. Those people who could buy, they are already less. And those who want to buy at the moment, they are even smaller.
It’s still a kind of sales funnel. The funnel is to what extent users are interested in buying our products or in ordering services.
So, you already know what the target audience of advertising is, its basic concept and definition. Also, you know all of its types, characteristics and features for these species.