
Local Advertising Journal is an information portal specializing in providing creative advertising solutions, local digital marketing, local advertising campaigns and social advertising. We are convinced that the Internet is possible, even though they now have to create a channel that complements the traditional business of a company to increase its customers and its turnover. For this, you need to integrate all the tools that modern technology today put you disposing of. The brand and reputation in the network are then obtained values that go before and then safeguarded.

The Local Advertising Journal value creative, innovative solutions, quality, custom, elegant, and effective solutions. The secret of a good advertising campaign is not a huge budget, be a big company, be in a big city. Because the creativity does not understand the number of inhabitants nor billing of a budget. We speak of that spark of magic that is achieved with the right message, in the right place, at the right time.

Now more than ever the trend in advertising and marketing is the global vision, but with local application. It is what is being called SoLoMo and which interprets into Social, Local and Mobile communications. The three elements that already marking the differential points between some campaigns and others. The customer searches through the mobile, compares on the Internet, shares in social networks but, in a great percentage of occasions, continues to buy in a physical way, in the downtown stores of the city, shopping malls or in their trust stores the SoLoMo is an opportunity also for the trade. Get right with the message, choose the supports and make a good implementation.

Yes, in all three elements having the advice of professionals will be important. And the Local Advertising Journal in the case of local advertising is the best information portal that can help you take the right decision.

Local Advertising Journal is an information portal on the theory and practice of local advertising and local digital marketing: background and feature articles, expert opinions, review the situation in the markets of promotional offers, advertising services, and advertising media, local and international expertise. Information about the methods of advertising promotion and ways of effective advertising, research, standards, person, organization, resources, advertising industry. All for the study and development of the local advertising business.