When you are putting together your marketing strategy, you need to decide who your target customers are, how you will reach them and keep them engaged, and how you will grow your list of contacts.
You then need to figure out what you want your audience to do, such as buy from you or sign up for your services. What resources do you have in terms of human skillsets, budget and time? How will you implement your strategy? Most importantly, how will you measure its success? Only by looking at how well your strategy is working can you tweak it and improve it.
If this sounds a little daunting, you might want to consult a marketing strategy consultant and make use of their expertise. A marketing strategy consultant can advise you on your priorities in terms of setting up your strategy and can provide feedback on how well your strategy is working. if you need a marketing strategy consultant click here.
One of the most effective ways of getting results from your marketing strategy is to set up an email newsletter. There are several reasons why this is so effective:
Builds loyalty and repeat business
From the moment a prospect becomes a customer, try to capture their email address to stay in touch. You can either incentivise this or give a reason why supplying an email address will benefit your customer, such as being the first to know about special offers, receiving a discount code, or even something as simple as emailing the receipt so it doesn’t get lost. Your regular emails encourage brand recognition and prompt them to buy from you again.
Track success
By sending an email newsletter, you can tailor your marketing to your customer by tracking which parts of the email they respond to. You can monitor which links they click and send a more targeted follow-up email that focuses on their interests. If they put things in their basket but don’t check them out, you can remind them and even offer an incentive. Keep reading lucky patcher ios
Get it before it’s gone!
Subscribing to your email makes your customers feel privileged. If they are the first to know about special offers or online exclusives, you can drive a sense of urgency by letting them know that the special offer is only available while stocks last.