This article will provide you a brief description of television advertising or TV advertising, on its appointment information, features, specifications and the most common formats.
TV (Television) is an electronic media outlet with low selectivity, affecting a wide audience. Synthesizing the image and sound, it provides more extensive communication capabilities when compared with many other types of advertising media. The effect of presence brings television communication with forms of interpersonal communication, so the TV in the perception of the audience closer to other media costs to the direct, immediate, two-way communication. Television is one of the most powerful and effective ways to deliver advertising messages to different types of audiences and thus guarantees the highest possible total audience coverage. Due to qualities, it has become a priority channel for the dissemination of information for large advertisers, producers of goods and services of mass consumption.
The Structure Of The Television Industry
The number of forms of television broadcasting organizations and their respective types of television systems is very large both in technical and in the software, a creative attitude, which greatly affects the character created with their view of television advertising.
To date, the foundation structure of developed countries, the TV industry consists of the following forms of broadcasting …
- Wireless nationwide TV channels.
- Combined (wireless and cable), national television networks.
- Cable and satellite TV channels.
- Regional (local) TV.
- Interactive TV.
- Syndicated television program delivery.
1) Wireless nationwide TV channels:
Wireless nationwide television channels provide a television signal by the majority of the population. National channels are free for spectators and in some countries have the status of “public television”, the quantity and quality of advertising, in this case specifically regulated by government or other state regulations. In addition, the requirements for the commercial side of the TV advertising in national and public channels in various countries sometimes contains very significant and well-defined limits on the content of advertising messages.
2) Combined national television networks:
Combined (wireless and cable), national television networks constitute a system of local and regional television stations that broadcast (on a commission or other basis) program provided them a certain broadcaster – program producers. At the same station, the translator can transmit broadcast television productions of several networking vendors. In addition, depending on the method of delivery of TV signals, the features of the contract with the manufacturer of software and technical capabilities of the local TV station, repeater TV network programs can be distributed as a cable or wirelessly.
National television networks are most popular and effective form of television advertising. Since every television network, as well as any station, is a commercial enterprise, no restrictions (other than those stated in national laws on advertising) on the content of advertisements on them, as a rule, do not work, which significantly stimulates the advertising producers in their creative pursuits. In addition, the number of advertising messages and their place in the broadcasting schedule determined solely by commercial considerations that often displeases viewers, but provides (due to the large amount of advertising and the large capacity of its rotation) high efficiency impact on the audience. This is due to the fact that the quality and rating of the program, broadcast on television networks (in the countries where they were developed), significantly higher than that of public television programs.
Currently, in most developed countries are the main national television network television advertising media, while few countries separating the television industry for such independent segments as public broadcasters and TV networks, have not yet fully happened.
When you advertise programs to television networks, advertisers have the opportunity to choose between two placement strategies: global and regional. When using a global strategy advertising space is purchased directly from the manufacturer (owner) network programs, which then distributes advertisements on the network segments in accordance with the media plan. If the advertiser is aimed at an audience of a few specific regions, within the framework of a regional strategy they can buy advertising space in the local (regional) television advertising that provide placement of commercials in an appropriate television network programs.
3) Cable and satellite TV channels:
Cable and satellite TV channels are the most common type of Pay-TV. Typically, these channels have a certain genre specialization and positioned as a family, children’s, sports and so on. Normally Pay-TV channels do not sell advertising space and broadcast advertising, with the exception of non-profit social projects (and then only in very limited quantities). At the same time, cable and satellite Pay-TV channels are quite interesting for many advertisers, as the audience of any of these channels has a distinct target dominant and its value is known exactly.
Therefore, large advertisers (along with channels administration) have resorted to various advertising methods, e.g. sponsoring shooting television programs and television, which are then, broadcast on the channels as a standard intracranial products. Doing so as some large corporations, ordering and paying, for example, television films about the history of inventions and scientific discoveries that are directly related to the activities of these companies.
4) Regional (local) TV:
Regional (local) television plays an important role as an advertising medium in the event that a repeater national network television. At the same time, creating their own programs, including news, regional TV channels collect sometimes very large audience that can be successfully used in promotional strategies, as the price of advertising time in some programs of local TV stations can be an order of magnitude lower than in the nationwide (with almost complete duplication of the TV audience).
5) Interactive TV:
Interactive TV is a translational system with feedback channel, i.e. a system in which television information is transmitted only by the compiler to a television receiver, mounted on the side of the viewer, but also back from the viewer to the broadcasting company. This feature gives the viewer the opportunity to personalize the content of television programs and their playing time. Currently, the concept of interactive TV has increased significantly and includes various options for the viewer to interact directly with the source of television information. Interactive TV has not received a great development, but gradually, as the development of communication technologies, it began to gain momentum.
There are several existing iTV models, of which the most successful in terms of business opportunities are as follows …
- TV programs on demand (viewer signed up for service and making a monthly fee, using a special remote control and menu in advance selects a program from the list – after a while they could see them).
- Paid television viewing (the viewer receives the ordered program on the hard drive home computer or a special video terminal, and the fee for the amount of “pumped” information and a pay-per-view programs ordered).
- Straight double (viewer, subscribe to the service can watch the program ordered in real time – ordered and immediately looked up, and the payment will be charged at time of review).
Although the technical difficulties with the operation of such systems software can be considered as a whole, overcoming advertising opportunities such media types remain poorly defined.
6) Syndicated delivery of television programs:
Syndicated television program delivery is the delivery of television programs within the television stations of the system, syndication: programs produced or purchased in the framework of the syndicate, is only available to its members. This system is particularly prevalent in the United States, where the number of local television stations is extremely large, and to fill the air, more or less high-quality programs, such syndicates are formed. TV stations can be combined into syndicates and other grounds: the industry, language, religion, and so on. Features syndicated market of television advertising media depend on the particular type of syndication, the number of its members, the value of total enrollment and other factors.
TV Audience
The basis for determining the cost of selling advertising time channels is rated television programs obtained by applying special techniques viewers counting. At the same time, of course, impossible to calculate exactly how many viewers actually gathered outside the TV at the moment, to watch a particular program. Therefore, channels, and advertisers have to be satisfied as the source of pricing data provided by different TV advertising, each of which uses a special, different from the other measurement method. If the results of the different telemetry not so different from each other, the average of the results is usually regarded as statistically significant.
The most common methods of telemetry to date are as follows …
1) Telephone surveys: The most archaic, and at the same time most suitable in some cases telemetry method. It carried out as a normal telephone survey in which respondents are asked to answer a series of questions about their television advertising, with respect to different TV programs and so on. The results of such surveys usually do not provide statistically significant responses to most of the questions posed by natural imperfections technique, but for regions and areas with a predominantly rural populations and small towns, where other types of survey is not economically justified, the phone remains the only source of information about viewers the perception of the different channels and programs.
2) Diaries: This method is based on the consent of the members of the sample to keep a detailed diary of their contacts with the TV: mark time on and off, viewed TV programs and channels on which they broadcast, as well as the “residence time” for each channel. Ideally, the total blog can give fairly accurate results, however, in practice, only a small portion of respondents Journal honest: most prefer to make it abstract data reflecting the real situation only partially.
3) Software Audimeter: Audimeter is an electronic device with an internal memory, which is mounted on the respondent’s television and records all the manipulations that the respondent makes with the television remote control: the time on and off the TV, the moments of switching channels, and so on. This method provides the most objective assessment of the TV audience, but has a number of drawbacks: study result largely depends on the sample quality; the ability to conduct large-scale studies is limited. In addition, audimeter registers only “soft” information, without telling anything about the nature of the audience, while advertisers is important to know which family members watched a particular program and ensure it a high rating.
4) Integral audiometer: Solve the problem described above, you can use the advanced audimeter that, in addition to “Program”, provides for the collection of information at the level of the audience: TV is controlled by a special remote control with special buttons for each member of the family, which must be pressed whenever required enable (disable) the TV or change the channel. This method provides significantly more useful information; however, its widespread use is also limited by considerations of cost-effectiveness and integrity pressed.
5) Clusters: For more statistically accurate information about the structure of the method of viewers, geodemographic groups (clusters). Each cluster is a certain type of informal community of people living in the same territory. After identification of the clusters (the number can reach up to 50), the researchers conducted a total survey in the area with the use of different methods, adequate type of cluster and the number of people entering into it. Clusters are formed on the demographic and socio-economic principles.
Forms Of Television Advertising
There are a few of the most common forms of television advertising messages that are advertising and media agencies offer the majority of its customers as a template …
1) Place in a television ad unit: Advertiser buys space in an ad unit, which is broadcast in commercial breaks in a program or between programs. During purchased time (10, 15, 20, 30 and so on up to 60 seconds) is demonstrated commercials provided by the advertiser. The number of impressions and time as well as place in the roller block (beginning, middle, and end) are set in the final version of the media plan, which is agreed by the parties in the process of signing a contract for the purchase (sale) of advertising time.
2) Sponsorship of TV programs: The program, broadcast channels may be wholly or partly carried on money sponsor who receives a certain amount of time (in the beginning, in the middle, at the end of the program) to place their ads. In some cases, the sponsor receives advertising and other opportunities in the program: the cyclical placement of the logo, the logo part in the design studio, mention of the name of the sponsor in the words of the master program, participation in the credits, and so on.
3) Sponsorship of television broadcasting: Some prestigious reportage programs with predictable rated (sports matches, championships, etc.) the practice of sponsorship broadcasting, which implies that the sponsor pays all expenses for the purchase of broadcast rights and ensure its support in exchange for a certain time to place advertisement. In cases where the interest in the event is very high (as well as the price of broadcast rights), in the sponsorship pool combines a number of companies that are not direct competitors, which is divided between advertising time according to their contribution to the sponsorship package.
4) Participation in the television program: Advertiser does not buy advertising time in a certain program and a certain pre-agreed form of participation in it. For example, one of the representatives of the company-advertiser management can participate in a TV show or game show as a guest, and it is accessed, the master must several times throughout the program to mention his title and company name, which formally as a sponsor of the show is not stated.
5) Spot TV advertising: Advertiser buys time for broadcast commercials (or the right to some special form mentioning your name or slogan) in one particular program (e.g. weather forecast) is shared ad unit.
6) TV Ads: Advertising information, which is read out a speaker in the advertising information section. This kind of television advertising aimed at advertisers with small budgets and offers on the local TV stations.
Particularly Television As A Channel Of Distribution Of Advertising
Planning and implementation of advertising campaigns, television requires the advertiser knowledge of some important features of the television, acting as an advertising medium. Among the most important are the following …
1) Total coverage: Television provides the highest possible total coverage of the audience and by placing advertisements on different channels and at different times of day of television, we can ensure that the majority of the population (which looks TV) see the infomercial. At the same time, however, it ignores the fact that the mass television audience cannot in any degree be targeted, since all attempts have focused on the impact on any target of the TV audience with a special telemetry and artistic techniques, the most adapted to the tastes of favorite segment as a rule, do not lead to any results.
Excessive partisanship TV story often turns its complete ineffectiveness – the target audience begins to feel that it’s trying to “catch”, while the representatives of the other target groups such methods cause severe irritation. Therefore, advertisers , planning advertising campaigns on television, it should be noted that although the figures cover offered by advertising and credit rating agencies, always look very impressive, the percentage of “useless coverage” of any of the TV audience, tend to be very high: the effectiveness of television advertising, except for quantities covered by the audience is made up also of the many other components.
2) Artistic power: Television is capable of maximum emotional contact with the viewer. Compound movement, text and music to any TV products (including advertising) could have a powerful impact on the viewer. Among other TV media creatively located closest to the art of cinema, to make available to the creators of TV commercials significant arsenal of artistic techniques and tools that provide a variety of different combinations of images and their values, and a high level of audience involvement in what is happening.
3) VBM: Television as an advertising industry has unique tools to change the value of people and objects. The basis for this phenomenon is virtually a monopoly position in the field of active television communications: the vast majority of viewers in the developed countries (i.e. the vast majority of the population) recognizes the television means of communication that best suits the present stage of development of society. On the other hand, is largely decentralized nature of television has never been considered by most viewers factor in democratizing the relationship between man and the TV channel: no matter what channel is that no matter broadcast communication scheme, recognized by the audience as a natural, is as follows: “those who are a little bit, show us something that much, and if we look at them, then they are entitled to it. “
Thus, the man on TV, once it becomes a “hero” and “value” to others increases, even though the man is completely not changed and remained exactly the same as it was before the show on TV. If “they” showed them, therefore, it becomes part of the value that “they” are in our eyes. The same applies to items that are also becoming “heroes”, having been on the TV screen. This phenomenon explains why even frankly weak advertising can be very effective: the fact of the presence of the product on the air in the proper quantity gives him more and sometimes very tangible value.
Advantages and Disadvantages Of Television Advertising
Advantages | Disadvantages |
Simultaneous visual and sound effects. | The high cost of production of a television commercial. |
The high degree of viewer involvement in what is happening on the TV screen. | Simultaneous viewing audience advertising on only one channel. |
A variety of themed TV programs allow the selection of the target audience. | A short transmission time of advertising messages as compared to other advertising channels. |
Strong psychological impact associated with the personal nature of the appeal to the viewer, making the advertising appeal close to the effectiveness of personal selling. | Steadily negative attitude on the part of viewers to an interruption on TV commercial breaks. |
The relatively low unit cost of the ad contact due to a huge audience coverage. | At a cost of television advertising is among the most expensive distribution channels of advertising. |
Control over the time of communication of the consumer advertising with advertising appeal. | |
The possibility of the viewer to order the advertised goods or services directly from the TV screen. |
Creation Of Television Advertising
The process of creating television advertising consists of the following steps …
1) Definition of strategy: With the totality of the results of marketing and other research, as well as on the basis of the approved marketing and advertising strategy creative group defines the basic strategy of the future television program, deciding what will be sent to major advertising impact, achieve a primary goal (audience response) should contribute to the planned roll and etc.
2) Development of the main ideas: The main idea is some global acceptance (Art, Technology, and Scene), through which the main strategic tasks of TVC as part of an advertising campaign can be addressed most effectively.
3) Development of scenario plan: Once the decision about the main idea is accepted, it developed the overall scenario plan for the future of television advertising. Scenario plan is a script-based: it identifies the main nodal point of the story such as how to begin, what ends, and what can and cannot occur in the middle.
4) Script writing, creating storyboards: TVC scenario developed in several embodiments, and is usually accompanied, storyboards – small schematic drawing showing a general frame content in each of the episodes: in this manner all elements of the script are more apparent, making it more definitely contribute to clarify and supplement scenario.
5) Organization of the crew: Some of the major advertising agencies are composed of permanent production and shooting department, which does not require the separate crew for ordering the shooting. In other instances, advertising agencies cooperate with production studios or individual independent producers. Organization of the crew assumes that the customer roll (advertising agency or advertiser) selects and approves director nominees, the operator, the right people, defines the system of financing and the work schedule; coordinate the scheme with the agency and so on.
6) Preparation period: Pre-production is a complex and sometimes very long process, which consists of the creation of the director shooting plan, the choice of nature to shoot (construction of scenery), Casting (choice of lead actors and extras), test shooting, work on the style, costumes and etc.
7) Shooting period: Shooting is the work directly on the set (sites) with the result that there is all necessary to create a movie shooting (filmed) material.
8) Installation and scoring: In the process of shooting each episode is removed, usually a few times (duplicated), so that when installing the roller director selects the best frames, then an editor sequentially connects them in accordance with the mounting sheet prepared by the director. After scoring, consisting of recording text and music, and compounds (video and audio synchronization series), the roller is represented to the customer (advertiser) for approval.
In the end, here we have describe all the possible information about television advertising. We are going to describe about other advertising media as well. Keep support us by your valuable comments.
Advertising Media:
“Television Advertising: All You Need To Know About TV Advertising“
“Radio Advertising: All You Need To Know About Radio Advertising“
“Press Advertising: All You Need To Know About Print Media“
“Internet Advertising: All You Need To Know About Online Advertising“
“Outdoor Advertising: All You Need To Know About Outdoor Advertising“
“Transit Advertising: All You Need To Know About Transit Advertising“
“Print Advertising: All You Need To Know About Print Advertising“