A bitter bite the one served by Zuckerberg to the companies, an update of the Facebook algorithm that has the air of being a half-catastrophe on a social level. Surely you too have noticed that the more the posts of your fan page are commented and appreciated, the greater the organic coverage, but from today it is not enough to have as under the post, it is necessary that your fans interact writing comments.
What changed with new algorithm?
Posts that will have many likes and shares but few conversations (comments) may not have the same visibility they have had until today and will be favored those with few likes but with a large number of comments.
At user level Facebook will always give more space to the news shared and commented by friends and will be less and less the organic visibility given to companies, brands, media. It is not new; for a long time looking at the insights and checking the organic coverage of the page, it was clear that being a company the only way to show off was to resort to advertising to avoid such scenes.
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But according to you, Mark, the organic coverage of posts can be 0.37% or 11% when it’s OK, but are you kidding? The most absolute emptiness.
In fact, according to journalist Mike Isaac, on the news feed, the contents of friends and relatives could always bring “the same soup” on the bulletin boards, leaving out the possibility of displaying “extra” news.
Facebook algorithm and page visibility: what should companies do to maintain good organic and paid coverage?
We are slowly returning to 2008 when the platform was a few close and advertising was not yet contemplated.
Another novelty of Facebook communicated before Christmas is the penalty for those who use the engagement baiting, for example the posts in which you were asked to put like or a reaction.
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What will be the most awarded posts from the new facebook algorithm?
- Live Video: Live videos are often commented on by users because they feel active, in fact their visibility is 6 times higher than normal videos.
- Video: Currently, video publishers receive more interactions from their followers than photos.
- FB Groups: In groups, people interact and exchange comments among themselves for companies that know how to manage them could be a great opportunity.
- Local Page: Local companies connect with their community by publishing relevant updates and creating events
Do you want to start testing the effectiveness of the videos but you do not know where to start?
Companies must forget the organic coverage, if you want to show off you have to pay but it will not be enough to allocate a nice nest egg to show off, the content must be of quality and little “advertising” in fact if the content is considered by Facebook too commercial it will be the shopping.
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This is yet another demonstration that Facebook is not the key to your marketing strategy but is just a small piece of the strategy.
Start sharing your content on all platforms, do not focus on the social network that today is the most popular and prefer what is your property such as your website or your blog. If you set your strategy on tools that you can control you will not have to worry about the choices of Zuckerberg but yours.
The pillars of your marketing activity cannot be social; to get online results in terms of visits, contacts and customers what you need to do is shift your focus on a more complete strategy. Without words I’m talking about Inbound Marketing, what your company does not do is visibility on Facebook is a strategy able to provide results in the long term.