How to run a successful advertising campaign in 7 steps

From the time you get up to the time you go to bed, you are surrounded by commercials: on television, in the newspapers, while browsing the Internet, and even social networks like Instagram have recently added advertising to their platform.

Why not also use all these means to publicize your business and grow your sales?

I know, right now you are thinking things like “I would like to create an advertising campaign for my venture, but it is too expensive to do it” or “it seems too complicated for me”.

That is why I have decided to make this guide with which in just 7 simple steps you can create your own advertising campaign to take your company to the next level.

And best of all: I will show you alternatives to expensive traditional advertising so that your marketing campaign costs you NOTHING.

7 simple steps to create a successful advertising campaign

1. Define what you want to achieve with your campaign

This is the biggest mistake that 70% of entrepreneurs who decide to create an advertising campaign make: not knowing exactly what they want to achieve with that advertising.

They think about giving their businesses a boost with an advertisement, but they do not specify what is the objective they would like to achieve.

So your first step to success is figuring out what you really want, because otherwise you will only waste your time, your effort, and may even create a bad reputation for your brand. Keep reading types of engineering.

If you’re a bit lost in this matter, here are some specific reasons to create an advertising campaign:

  • To present a new product
  • To position your company and make it more popular
  • To increase your sales
  • To attract more visits to your online or local store (and to become potential customers)
  • To compete with other businesses that are subtracting buyers and sales

Whatever your main objective is, you need to define it clearly, because this is the most important starting point of any advertising campaign since, from here, you will develop the rest of the process.

2. Find out who your advertising campaign is aimed at

Just as important as point 1 is knowing who you are targeting your advertising for. If you don’t know your own buyers, how are you going to address them and do it in the media they use on a daily basis?

Imagine this: you want to promote your business in which you sell cell phone accessories that are mainly aimed at women between 18 and 35 years old.

The most logical thing would be for your message to be directed at those young women, and for you to use means to insert your advertising such as Facebook , Instagram, or women’s magazines, which are the sites that the public you are looking for use.

It would be a waste to insert an ad in a blog about sports and food for men; Chances are that audience is not interested in technology (other than the one that helps them with their exercises) or products geared toward women.

After all this roll I have released, how can you know who your campaign is aimed at? Knowing your products or services well, and making a profile of your potential buyers.

If you know what your product or service is, how it works, and what other uses it can be given or what problems it can solve, you will discover which people are the ones who would be interested in buying it.

3. Choose the right advertising media

As I told you before, knowing who your buyers are and where they are moving is essential to succeed with an advertising campaign.

If you sell products for the elderly, it is not very smart to advertise on the Internet or on Facebook and Twitter because they do not use these means. The most logical thing would be to publish it in magazines, newspapers or with posters near the places through which they pass.

So if you have already made your client’s profile, write down all the places he visits , looks at or where he moves to insert advertising in that environment and that can effectively reach your audience.

Write down as many as you can think of. Later I will teach you to decide which means to choose depending on the budget you have, and what alternatives you have if you do not have a lot of money.

Some means that you can write down are …

  • Traditional media such as television, radio, print media, magazines …
  • Internet, social networks, blogs and YouTube channels
  • Through email or mailbox advertising
  • Fairs, conventions, tasting stands
  • Street signs, flyers, brochures, product catalogs

4. Determine your advertising budget

Here you must decide how much money you are going to (or can) invest in your advertising campaign. Perhaps you are the owner of a company with good profits every year, and you have enough to throw the house out the window and advertise on television.

But you may be a small entrepreneur who has started his business recently and you cannot afford to spend too much.

Whatever your situation, it’s important that you budget so that you can see later what options you can manage, even if you only have $ 40 to spend on advertising.

Although as I told you before, don’t worry if you don’t have much: at the end of this article I will give you some solutions to advertise practically for free anywhere you want.

5. Design your message and keep it in ALL media

The message of your advertising campaign will be the idea with which you should seek to shake your audience to create a reaction in them with which you act to achieve your objective.

That is: it will be what moves your audience to want to know you more, to buy your products, to visit your store or business, or to achieve the goal you have set in point 1.

This message can be an attractive image of your best product, a specific text that encourages buyers to take action, a slogan or specific phrase …

My recommendation is that it be the element you use, always accompany it with another visual element (for example, a text with an image).

But remember that you must keep this message in ALL the media where you advertise.

If you want to do an advertising campaign with a photo of a dress, and the text “the best women’s clothing at the best prices”, it is important that you use the same phrase with the same image in all the places where you are going to promote yourself (Facebook, Instagram, magazines, posters, etc.).

You need to do it to establish that advertising as yours and thus ensure that your audience can remember it better regardless of where you see it.

6. Launch your campaign!

With all the previous steps already taken, now you only have to launch your campaign in the different media you have chosen.

In this step it is important that you think about both the start and end date of your campaign, and how many times you want your message to be repeated on each site throughout the day.

Be careful not to be too repetitive or you will end up boring your target audience.

7. Evaluate the results of your advertising campaign

Although this last step may seem insignificant, it is actually vital to know if your campaign has worked – or not -, and to be able to make changes or repeat the same strategies in the future.

It is a good idea that after launching your ad you keep a record of everything that happens.

Check if visits to your online business or your local increase, if there is a rise in your sales, if your number of followers on social networks is higher, or if more people call you, send an email or ask about your products or services.

If someone makes a purchase and mentions that it is because they have seen your advertising, you can ask them what they liked about the ad and what it would improve.

Do not be embarrased! It is a great way to change your mistakes for the next campaign you run.

How to create an advertising campaign without money?

Not everyone has the same budget to create an advertising campaign. Large companies can afford to hire professional agencies and spend thousands of dollars on ads.

But if you are a small entrepreneur who has just started his business, money is something that will not be left over.

However, there are many methods just as effective as a big TV ad to launch your commercial to the world without spending a dime.

One of them is social media. Creating a Facebook, Twitter and Instagram account for your company will not cost you anything, and you can reach a large audience anywhere in the world.

What about television, newspapers, and magazines? You can also appear in them without investing anything. You will only need a few tricks that I am going to share from my experience as a journalist.

The main secret is knowing how to tell how your business differs from the others that are already on the market. There are thousands of new businesses that open their doors every year.

But surely yours has some special detail, some part of your story about how you started it that is interesting and arouses the curiosity of the viewer.

The second trick would be to find the right medium for you. Perhaps a news on a national television channel about your business does not interest you.

On the other hand, it is very likely that in a local station or in newspapers and magazines dedicated exclusively to the business world, your story does interest them and they want to tell it.

So look for what it is that makes you, your business, or the products you sell that is special , and start contacting the appropriate media to tell them your story and increase your advertising without spending anything.

In what media would you do an advertising campaign for your business? Leave me a comment below and tell me what you think.

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