Want to make the most of all the power of Local Business Marketing to your market?
Check out these 10 Tips For Local Business Marketing Success …
The Internet is full of advice, you can find tips and marketing strategies for all sectors. Many of which are also exposed by experts, but each of these has its own market or industry. Usually these tips applied by too large companies or they are of a general nature or regionals. But if I’m the owner of a small business, a bar, a tobacco shop or a small e-commerce, what I’m doing generic techniques that it can capture the customers, for example, if my bar is located in the Toronto? Better to catch all customers who can physically come to me. The Local Business Marketing techniques are different in many respects from common marketing. What are they?
We analyze the techniques and suggestions to improve the local marketing activities for any type of business, even your own …
1) Make your Local SEO Perfect
I will not go into too many technical details of general SEO, although you should as you make an SEO plan, we would need too much time, so we concentrate our energies on local SEO because it is an essential part of any Local Business Marketing strategy.
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The Local Search is incredibly powerful. The 80% of searches by users are for local information. And perhaps more importantly, the 50% of consumers who carry out a local search on their smartphone, end up visiting a local store within a day. This, if you think about it, it’s a very high percentage. So, you’re the owner of a small business or works for your customers, you definitely cannot afford to skimp on local search. Local SEO is essential for your business.
2) Concentrate on building an impressive Super Fast Mobile Site
Most consumers use a mobile device to run a Local Search, so you’re forced to realize a site for your Local Mobile Responsive Marketing. The responsive web design, of course, it is important for each site, but it is particularly important and vital to your Local Business Marketing. Now I will reveal why:
Approximately 61% of consumers read reviews on mobile devices (not mobile App). From the statistics, we can deduce that a large percentage of people are looking for companies on their mobile phone. Own by Google the same data, they found that more than 50% of people looking for directions, opening hours, events, businesses and much other information through mobile search.
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So, to meet your future potential customers, wherever they are (Mobile Internet Browsers), it is essential to make sure that the mobile version of your site loads quickly and is easy to use.
3) Build a list of e-mail
Having a list of email contacts is a very valuable asset, not only for the big Internet companies, but they are also a valuable resource for local marketing. Believe me, having edited a newsletter is gold, you might receive feedback about your products and / or services, see if your new idea is positive, inform users about new products, offers, etc …
To encourage users to register, consider offering them a gift or a discount voucher. This will make it easier to have their data.
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Keep up to date your list and respects your privacy. You must have a list of quality not quantity. No need to have a million members with invalid addresses, or not interested. Lastly, do not flood your customers with your newsletter, but do it only when you have some important information.
4) Use Social Media
Social Media are very fashionable these days, and I’m sure you have more than one account with which to cultivate private interests and work. But be careful because it is not so easy, do not just send some message or make a small local advertising. This is a topic that would require many contents to be explained. Today they can hear all experts, because, according to them, just open an account and send messages or make a page where you advertise your product or your idea. But how many of them make the center? Maybe it’s not as simple as it seems.
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In general, you have to create interesting content for your target, also choosing the appropriate time. The content should be written in the appropriate language and must be specific and clear. Today social networks are more and more, both the prevalence for both niches. If you really are an expert or you lack the time, considered to refer to a Social Media Advertising to get real results.
5) Cross Relations with other Local Companies
No matter how our product, physical or digital, is innovative, amazing or revolutionary. If we are not able to form relationships with other companies or customers, we remain isolated and lose, and this is true in general. Even more this concept applies in Local Business Marketing. A great feature that you must have is the ability to develop strong relationships and associated with other local entrepreneurs. Through these relationships, you can develop cross-promotion strategies in which each of you promoting the other’s activities. Assuming that you are not direct competitors, it is a situation of win-win.
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Whether it’s something as simple as an exchange of business cards, or more complicated and complex relationships, cross-promotion is a great strategy of Local Business Marketing and beyond.
6) Linked to Other Local Organizations
Local business associations are a great way to develop these relationships, both with employees and with customers directly. First, the Chamber of Commerce is an obvious choice. Not only that, you should also look for more specific organizations. For example, if you’re a web designer, look for a group of local web design.
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No need to limit yourself to your industry, you may also search for groups where potential customers are already active even though they do not fit directly into your industry.
7) Attend Local Events
In addition to local business organizations, you should also try to attend local events relevant to your industry. Attend is much better not to go. The best strategy is to assume a leadership role at the event. This way you do know more, you put yourself in plain sight, and assume a role of authority in your niche.
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But remember, it comes when you know what you say, do not talk much to do.
8) Be Present in the Local Directory
You should always consider being present in as many as possible local directory. While with a single directory is very unlikely to bring substantial traffic towards you, the combination of all local directories, however, can make a difference. I do not mean to be your belief that this methodology or harbors a very high traffic, but it is very low cost and is an investment that requires very little work.
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9) Request Reviews by Customers Satisfied
Last, but as more and no less important, is the customer reviews. While it may seem strange, even today, many review sites prohibit directly encourage the positive reviews, but you’re still free to simply ask how satisfied your customers and leave a review. On average, 70% of customers will leave you a comment. And if you also consider that 74% of consumers say that the positive reviews make them confident in doing an action, then your ROI is definitely growing and will be a breeze.
Do you remember the email list? Well, a very interesting place to ask for opinions is in your e-mail signature. Remember to always ask for a review or feedback to see if your work is going in the right direction.
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Of course, all this you can do it in person, with the right touch and sympathy.
10) Rewind all
I hope these tips give you ideas and a bit of courage to embark on a new path through the Local Business Marketing. These are just a few tips of the highlights and is not an exhaustive list. There are many other local marketing strategies that you can use to increase your ROI.
I can assure you that whatever your business, Local Business Marketing can give you a lot of satisfaction and earnings. I politely ask your thoughts, comments or suggestions to grow together.