Selecting the right web address for your business is a huge part of ensuring that people know where to find you on the internet. High quality domain names will help to make your brand look high end, with a premium and professional impression given to customers. The right URL will also help you to improve your standing in the search engine rankings, which in turn helps to generate traffic.
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Over the past 20 years there has been a massive increase in the amount of domain names being registered. Unfortunately for new businesses, this can make the task of selecting a domain name quite difficult. If you consider the foresight of a company such as B&Q, who famously bought up the coveted URL “”, they have certainly proved to be on the right side of history with that decision.
Selecting an appropriate name
An appropriate web address is one that is likely to be memorable, easy to spell and bear some relation to your business or potentially your location. A plumber operating in and around Widnes may look to include Widnes in their web address in order to help it show up in web searches for plumbing services in that area. A website selling mail order clothes for example may not necessarily need to do this, as their service is not location based. or .com?
When setting up a website, there is a big decision to make, whether to select a UK centric URL, or a more internationally focused .com domain. Businesses who are focused solely on the UK market, whether that is a national retailer or an independent restaurant will benefit from having a URL as it shows focus on the intended market.
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If your business is targeting international customers, a .com URL is the better option, as the specific domain can put people from further afield off. A address suggests that the company owning the website is just serving the UK, rather than an international market.
For more information on the difference between the and .com domains, as well as how to set up these domains, websites such as contain all the information you will need.
Selecting your web address is a vital part in getting your business online, its importance cannot be understated. Choose wisely, and people should be visiting your website for many years to come.