5 Facebook Marketing Tips To Promote A Local Business

If you are looking for ways to use Facebook to boost your local business, then here we have five Facebook marketing tips to give more visibility to your local business by leveraging the Facebook page and the affection of your customers.

Small local business are often frightened by the use of the web as a promotional tool, partly because they are convinced that such global tools are not suited to a purely local reality. In reality, consumers expect to use online channels to communicate with both big brands and the store at home.

Among all popular social media platforms, Facebook marketing is the most appropriate one, because it invokes a wider audience and because it offers many benefits even for small local businesses.

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Let’s see, with the suggestions of social media experts you can follow five Facebook marketing tips for your local business …

#1- Facebook Video

Facebook Marketing TipsVideos are among the content that most engages in interactions and involve the public. On Facebook, you can share video on external platforms, but in fact, the best results can be found with native videos, or uploaded directly to Facebook.

Fortunately, it is not necessary for videos to be professional; a video shot with the smartphone might be enough. The important thing is that content may affect the target: local events, workday elements, or just fun moments. If you cannot use videos, use the images. Real photos are the best because they give personality to the page. It is not said that only those of the business should be used, even that of the location or of customers with whom special moments are shared. The important thing is that the page takes on a human face and unpainted.

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#2- Show clients and fans

Facebook Marketing TipsAlso to keep the fan page humanity you can use the pictures of satisfied customers. Whether you are in a shop or whether you are using one of your products, or have decided to share a moment with you, it is important to emphasize this component. It is also advisable to explicitly ask customers to share this type of content. A great advantage of this strategy is the wide visibility you can give the page with the tag on faces of portrayed people (it’s only possible with fans).

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#3- The union is the force

Facebook Marketing TipsCollaborating with other local businesses can bring significant benefits, obviously not with competitors, but more with stores that are on the same street or with which you can share promotional initiatives. Mutual promotion through Facebook can only be beneficial to everyone.

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#4- Reviews, Good and Bad

Facebook Marketing TipsThe Facebook pages of local businesses give users the chance to leave reviews, which translate into blue stars. It is important that they are monitored and responded to everything. Critics always with savoir-fair and without giving in excel, grasping all that’s good behind a negative opinion. To positive reviews thanking your customers for the trust and affection they have shown.

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#5- Facebook Ads geolocated

Facebook Marketing TipsFacebook allows you to target campaigns very thoroughly; you can also choose very narrow geographic ranges of action. In this way, even with a limited budget, you can reach the public, that is, the one that can benefit from the services and products offered.

The most recent targeting to choose from in the Facebook Ads campaign setting is the one that allows you to create direct ads to people close to your business and socialize with your smartphone. This ad type is very useful in promoting promotions that can entice people to test your products immediately.

If you’ve enjoyed these five Facebook marketing tips to promote a local business, please share them with others. If you have any tips of your own to add, please do so in the comments below.


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