Internet Advertising: All You Need To Know About Online Advertising

This article will provide a description of online advertising or Internet advertising, information on the means of online advertising, its purpose, features, specifications and methods of application.

Internet is a global system of computer networks combined, which serves as a physical basis for the World Wide Web or WWW and other data transmission systems. Nowadays the word “Internet” often meant not a physical network, and the World Wide Web, which forms the global information and communication space.

Internet advertising, or advertising on the Internet includes a variety of graphic and text advertising material placed on the Internet. Internet advertising market has begun to take shape in the mid-1990s, however, before the start of the 2000s, the Internet was not considered by advertisers as a priority advertising platform, although some of them already carried out online support for advertising their products and services. However, the rapid development of the World Wide Web, and some of the features of Internet advertising have meant that the policy of advertisers in the use of the Internet has changed.

Internet Advertising

Since the mid-2000s, the Internet is one of the main channels of information impact on consumers. This is due primarily to the following factors …

  • A constant and steady increase in the number of Internet users and the time of their presence in the network;
  • Development of wireless communication technology, mobile devices and mobile Internet;
  • Development of the Internet economy
  • The prevalence of e-commerce;

Development of the technical management of Internet advertising platforms and systems analysts, allowing quickly and precisely measure the impact of online advertising.

Currently, the Internet is actively developing as an advertising channel. In this case, the basic principles and technologies of Internet advertising are very different from those in traditional media such as television advertising, radio advertising, press advertising. Therefore, unlike television or radio, that are relatively passive media, the Internet requires active participation: in the Internet environment, nothing happens until then, until the user performs an action. The exchange of information in real time and feedback make the Internet an effective tool of advertising in terms of the quality of the contact with the consumer.

To date, we developed three most common types of use of the Internet as an advertising channel …

  1. Placement of advertising information on websites
  2. Attracting visitors to the website publisher
  3. Search consumer goods and services among the internet audience

The choice of the type of online advertising, the specific advertising media and formats depend on the advertising goals, the technical capabilities advertiser, selected ad platforms and a number of other parameters. The effectiveness of advertising on the Internet is a result of many factors, among which, above all, the quality characteristics of the target audience of advertising and the extent of its coverage, the characteristics of advertising media, as well as design, context, placement, visual and content features advertisements.

Internet Advertising

Features Of The Internet As A Channel Of Distribution Of Advertising

Internet is one of the most important global markets, media advertising and attracted more and more attention of advertisers. This is due to primarily with a considerable variety of online resources is extremely high capabilities of their target segmentation, increase in the number of services offered and a huge audience. Knowing and the optimal use of the opportunities offered by advertisers diverse online marketplace allows advertising campaign very different focus, cost and scale, while achieving effective results.

Planning and implementation of advertising campaigns on the Internet requires the advertiser knowledge of its individual features. Among the most important are the following …

1) Interactivity: The Internet is an interactive medium, and therefore provides a significant involvement of the consumer. Every Internet user has the opportunity to not only passively receive information, as in the case of traditional media, but also actively interact with it, based on their interests and preferences, selecting the most relevant to the resources and content, engaging in communication with others and so on.

These same properties have interactivity and Internet advertising, that is, the user can directly interact with it. After seeing an advertisement, the user can go directly to more information about the advertised offer. For this, user have to click the mouse on an advertising medium, followed by the transition to a website publisher, where the user can get this or that information about the object of advertising or perform the desired advertiser action. It is this feature distinguishes the online advertising from advertising in traditional media.

2) Lecture hall: In economically developed countries, the vast majority of the population has regular access to the Internet, and the total number of Internet users is comparable with the number of viewers, with separate groups of consumers spend on the Internet much more time than watching TV. The rapidly growing Internet audience is an area of intense interest for many advertisers, as it is active, educated and, as a rule, the solvency of the company.

At the same time, some advertisers may face the problem of limited audience only Internet users. This is because the user must not only have access to the web, but a minimum set of knowledge required for working with computers in general and the Internet in particular. The spread of this type of media can be substantially limited in regions with poor infrastructure, as well as among certain social groups.

3) Targeting: Targeting mechanism allows the highlight of all available Internet audience only the part that meets the specified criteria, and show ads to user. To distinguish between direct and indirect targeting. Direct targeting aimed at the choice of the target audience, directly were interested in offering goods or services. Indirect targeting is aimed at an audience that is a target for interconnected with the proposed type of goods or services. Internet allows for more accurate than any other type of advertising media, the advertising information to focus on the target groups on various parameters (up to a specific recipient).

Internet Advertising

Internet advertising can be focused on target groups on the following criteria …

  • On the territorial and geographical coverage (you can restrict your ads from showing certain geographic regions selected by the advertiser);
  • Time display (allows to time ad serving day and days of the week chosen by the advertiser)
  • Interests and preferences of users (you can restrict your ads from showing in accordance with the interests of the visitor advertising site);
  • Socio-demographic characteristics (to limit advertising by age show, sex, income, positions, and so on);
  • Technical specifications (to limit ad serving on various technical parameters);
  • The number of ad impressions (allows you to adjust the amount of advertising media shows one user).

In addition to these criteria for focusing may be employed and others, but the collection of relevant information about Internet users is associated with the need additional studies.

4) Media measurement: The Internet is a much more measurable form of media than traditional channels, and provides opportunities to study the behavior of target consumers, including accurate means of analyzing the effectiveness of advertising. When analyzing the efficiency of traditional forms of advertising used by consumer surveys, with the aim to establish what type of advertising has attracted consumers. Based on the survey results, conclusions about the effectiveness of various promotions.

In addition, indirectly on the effectiveness of the advertising company is judged by the increase in revenue, the number of visitors interested in the advertised product or service, and some other features. To study the reaction of consumers to these or other promotional activities on the Internet and analyzing the effectiveness of Internet advertising, there are far more comfortable and precise tools that keep records of the number of times an advertising medium of Internet users. The number of clicks on it, the subsequent interest or failure, users of transportation routes and a plurality of other parameters.

All this information is collected, processed by special software and used for targeted advertising impact on Internet users. By analyzing the information received on the reactions and actions of users, an advertiser has the ability in real time to assess the effectiveness of the campaign as a whole and each of its components individually.

At the same time it can make operational changes to the current campaign (to replace the ineffective advertising media, adjust the content of advertising, to increase or decrease the intensity of advertising on specific sites, to change the focus and other settings). A key differentiator of online advertising from any other is the ability to keep track of each advertising exposure, so the Internet to the advertiser – the most optimal means in terms of the quality of the contact with the consumer.

Internet Advertising

The Main Forms Of Internet Advertising

The advertisement that the advertiser intends to convey to the target audience on the Internet, can be represented in different ways. In online advertising, there are a variety of advertising media and formats. The number of these formats is constantly growing with the growth of the Internet audience and as this audience is becoming more aware and selective. Internet is continually evolving as an advertising channel, as Internet advertising service providers are in a mode of continuous improvement of its promotional offers.

To date, the most widely used the following types of online advertising …

1) Media advertising: Placement of text and image advertisements on websites, which are advertising platforms. Typically, media advertising is in the form of banner advertising. Banner is a graphical representation of the hyperlink, refers to the targeted advertising source. Banner may contain both static image and text without images and animated elements, video and interactive objects. With display of the advertisement can be static or dynamic.

2) Text advertising: Placing text advertisements on websites that are advertising platforms. This type of online advertising is a text ad with a hyperlink that refers to the source of targeted advertising that is integrated into the overall content of the website pages and looks like a part of it. Showing text ads can be static or dynamic.

3) Contextual advertising: Placement of text and image advertisements on web sites that represent contextual advertising platforms. Contextual placement of online advertising based on the content of advertising material according to the context (content) web page on which the ad unit. The bearer of such advertising can be text, image, or a combination ad. Compliance of promotional materials and their contextual sites determined using the advertising service. A variety of content is search advertising, used in the search engines. Its distinguishing feature is that the demonstrated choice of advertisements is determined by taking into account the user’s search query. As a rule, search engine advertising is placed next to search results and has the form of text ads. It is believed that this type of online advertising is one of the most effective, since the content of advertisements most closely matches the user’s current interests.

4) Teaser advertising: Placement of text and graphics advertising materials on the websites, which are advertising platforms. This type of online advertising combines the features of media, text and contextual advertising and is a short blurb with intriguing text and eye-catching image that contains a certain amount of information about a product or service, and the hyperlink is sent to the targeted advertising source. It is believed that the teaser advertising has more opportunities to attract the audience, as it stimulates the natural curiosity of man.

5) Promo site: Advertising materials in the form of a website, which is a presentation of the offer advertised. Despite the fact that the website itself is not an advertising format, enable consumers to obtain detailed information about a brand, product or service may be regarded as an independent form of advertising communication. The main objective of the promo site presentation of the goods, services, brand online. Most often, a promotional site is used as an additional marketing tool in the integrated advertising campaign. Usually one promotional website dedicated to a single product and the most focused on the interaction with target users. Audience at the promotional website is usually carried out by means of other types of online advertising.

6) Spam: The mass mailing of unsolicited messages advertising by e-mail. By itself, the principle of distribution of advertising messages via e-mail at first seemed quite acceptable form of direct marketing, but quickly became uncontrollable, and after that, and a negative reputation. At present, the laws of many countries provide certain types of liability for such activities. However, it is obvious that spam brings some economic benefit of its customers, since its intensity is not only not declining, but growing. This means that some of the users, in spite of the dislike for spam, still enjoys advertised through spam in goods or services.

Internet Advertising

In the end, here we have describe all the possible information about Internet advertising. We are going to describe about other advertising media as well. Keep support us by your valuable comments.

Advertising Media:

Television Advertising: All You Need To Know About TV Advertising

Radio Advertising: All You Need To Know About Radio Advertising

Press Advertising: All You Need To Know About Print Media

Internet Advertising: All You Need To Know About Online Advertising

Outdoor Advertising: All You Need To Know About Outdoor Advertising

Transit Advertising: All You Need To Know About Transit Advertising

Print Advertising: All You Need To Know About Print Advertising


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