5 top fleet efficiency ideas

Fleet efficiency is vital for any business model that uses five or more vehicles. The following are five top ideas for ensuring maximum fleet efficiency.

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Transportable Technology

Your managers may often be on the move or working out in the field, so a mobile app is crucial to enable them to work effectively. Apps can also enable your employees to undertake inspections, make reports and update vehicle status. With the right software, your team will be able to communicate just as efficiently on an app as they can from a laptop or computer. This will enable the whole team to stay on track.

Reduce administrative time

To run an efficient business in any sector, it is important to reduce unnecessary time spent on administrative tasks. A great way to do this is with automated data entry. This will both reduce the time spent entering data and the time this data takes to surface. As an added benefit, this technology enables managers to get instant updates from their team. If you’re looking for ways to further improve your administrative efficiency, then specialists such as Fuel Card Services can reduce the time and cost taken up by pay and reclaim systems. Brands such as Allstar fuel cards also offer fleet management solutions.

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Monitor driver behaviour with safety software

A popular way to improve fleet efficiency is to use technology which lets you monitor driver behaviour and provide feedback to your team. With fleet monitoring software, you can rank your drivers, allowing you to create incentives for safer drivers, encouraging accountability and providing additional training where necessary. All of this will lead to improved driving behaviour and overall fleet efficiency.

Schedule regular preventative maintenance

It’s important to keep your vehicles in good condition, and regular preventative maintenance will increase their working life. It will also help you to avoid costly and inconvenient breakdowns. By setting up a schedule, rather than relying on intuition, you can catch any issues early.

Embrace replacement analysis software

The physical vehicles are one of the most important aspects of your business, so in addition to knowing when to maintain them, it is also important to know when to let them go. Specialist analysis software will consider a range of factors such as operating costs, depreciation of value, and utilisation to let you know the best time to replace a vehicle.

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