Advertising industry is a sector of the economy, which defines advertising as a product of economic activity and provides a social need for advertising services.
Promotional activities are special kind of communication activity of people who have an economic basis and accompanies humankind throughout its entire history of the development. Historically, advertising emerged and developed in the course of the evolution of society, associated with the transition from subsistence to commodity production, the emergence of the market the market of goods and services means the dissemination of information about the proposed sale goods and services, as well as the consumer market of the advertised goods and services.
The deepening of these processes advertisements gradually turned into one of the main ways of conquering markets. Historically, the long-term advertising concept meant everything connected with the spread of information society of goods and services, using all available resources at the time of communication.
Gradually, the development of advertising has led to the fact that promotional activity was transformed into a special social institution that provides a public demand for advertising services. Production base of the institution is a complex activity that is accepted to define the concept of “advertising industry”.
Socio-economic development, the spread of media and technological innovations have led to the formation of a new community of people aimed at getting commercial benefit, wanting to effectively use the profits, and therefore in need of advertising information about products and services. During the formation of the market environment, develop different sectors of the advertising business that has provided advertising as an independent activity. The totality of these factors influence the emergence and initiated the development of the advertising industry.
The concept of “advertising industry” was formed with the purchase of an advertising nature of mass activity. Researchers see it as a complex inter-branch system, which operates as part of the economic sector and is represented as a field of professional activities related to the production of material and immaterial goods, works or services.
Systematic management of such activities, system interaction advertising market entities to participate in various economic sectors and spheres of business activity, the presence of companies producing promotional items and providing advertising services, suggests that promotional activities acquired industry features.
Modern advertising industry is a well-established subjective structure that defines advertising as a product of economic activity. At the heart of the functioning of the advertising industry is the production of promotional products and advertising services.
Organization of production within the advertising industry, as well as in other sectors of the economy, is the development of specialization and cooperation of enterprises, ensuring the optimum concentration of production through a combination of large, medium and small businesses, the establishment of industry infrastructure, as well as advertising companies service system, which is carried out creative, research, marketing, consulting and other organizations.
The characteristic features of the structural completion of promotional activities, allows us to consider advertising as the industrial system is the development of enterprises of various types of advertising, producing a comprehensive advertising product and / or provide only advertising services, the establishment of numerous professional community, as well as involvement in the process of advertising the various actors of economic cooperation.
As a result, there was a development of the whole system in a modern economy – the advertising industry, which is based on a set of enterprises, which are characterized by the unity of the economic destination of manufactured products, the homogeneity of production and technical base, the specificity of the composition of staff and working conditions. The relations between the between the participants of the industrial community, the state and society based on laws and codes in advertising, taken at both the national and international levels.
Advertising Industry Content Table:
“The Definition of Advertising Exposure“
“The Functions of Advertising“
“The Concept and Basic Information about The Advertising Market“
“The Development Of The Advertising Market“
“The Interaction Of The Main Subjects Of Advertising Market“
“Creative Advertising: Ideas For A Creative Approach To Marketing“